Hey there!

Ever wondered who takes a holiday in April? Well, at Honeycomb Creative, we've got two adventurous souls heading out!

Conor is off to Japan for a 'foodie adventure,' while Riley embarks on a hiking and kayaking escapade in Portugal.

With our dynamic duo on their globetrotting quests, Honeycomb might be a bit more chaotic. We'll be "understaffed," so things might move at a snail's pace or even hit a little speed bump.

The remaining team will hustle to cover the bases, though we can't promise lightning-speed results. Rest assured, current clients like you are our top priority, and we'll do our best to minimize disruptions.

As for new projects, they might take a bit longer to kick off, but we promise it'll be worth the wait!

Thanks for your understanding and patience during this adventure-filled month. April will be unforgettable for those on holiday and for us left behind.

Warm regards,


Honeycomb Creative Inc.
Maple Ridge: 604 466 0558

Toll-free: 1 877 904 6622
Web: honeycombcreative.com