Hi there,

Just a reminder that you have previously purchased Support Credits and that you might want to take advantage of the one-time discount below before it expires. Support Credits never expire so there is no time preasure to use them quickly.



Hello ,

Honeycomb Creative wants to express our gratitude for your continued trust and business. We are excited to offer you an exclusive Black Friday deal on our 'Support Credits.' 

Here's the exciting part: For every 'Support Credit' pack of 10 or 20 hours you purchase during our Black Friday sale, we'll double it! Yes, you read that right – every hour becomes two hours of Support for your website updates when you purchase 10 or 20 hour packages.

Invoiced 'Support Credits' are charged at $100/hr and in 30-minute increments, but pre-paid 'Support Credits' are discounted to $90/hr and billed in 15-minute increments, providing extra savings on even the most minor website updates. 

As an added benefit, any to be invoiced Support work will be paid with 'Support Credits.' Take this opportunity to save on website updates or support completed but not invoiced.

Clients who actively focus on growing their website traffic engage in regular updates and typically use 15 - 30 Support hours annually. The beauty of 'Support Credits' lies in their timeless nature – they never expire, ensuring you have the flexibility and resources to enhance your website at your own pace.

Purchase 10 Hours - $900.00 get 10 Bonus Hours for a total of 20 Hours
Purchase 20 Hours - $1800.00 get 20 Bonus Hours 
for a total of 40 Hours

If you only want to purchase 3 or 5 hours of Support Credits - we will mail you a Starbucks gift card. 

This limited-time offer - which expires at midnight on Monday, November 27th, is our way of saying thank you for choosing us as your website partner. Take advantage of this opportunity to make more frequent updates to your website.

How to Buy:

  1. Login to our client area (using your email address) at https://hive.honeycombcreative.net/
  2. After logging in, click 'Support Credits' in the left side menu and then 'Purchase Support Credits.'
  3. Choose 10 Hours or 20 Hours
  4. Pay with your credit card.
  5. Extra Credits will be manually added to your account within 24 hours.

Thank you for being a valued client. We look forward to continuing to support your success.

Best regards,


Honeycomb Creative Inc.
Maple Ridge: 604 466 0558
Toll-free: 1 877 904 6622
Web: honeycombcreative.com