Hello ,

Just a reminder that our office closes on Friday (this week - the 16th) until Monday, January 9th, 2023. Let us know today if you need anything scheduled between December 17th and January 8th, 2023.

We will monitor servers. Your website will be safe. And if things go wrong, we have at least 13 backups of every website.

If you have an emergency, email projects@honeycombcreative.net as this email will be checked every 24 hours. Adding a 'happy holidays' message to your website is not an emergency.

Our office reopens with all staff on Monday, January 9th, 2023. We will be so refreshed, creative and cheerful when we return that you will want us to take a holiday every few months.

Thank you, and Merry Christmas.

Allen, Riley, Conor and Amanda

Honeycomb Creative Inc.
Maple Ridge: 604 466 0558
Toll-free: 1 877 904 6622
Web: honeycombcreative.com